Nearly a blog
Nearly a blog. According to a definition I saw, a blog is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, information, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. The stuff below is a bit too random and infrequent to satisfy that definition.
Cancer Chronotherapy
Here is a very nice video for the public explaining cancer chronotherapy which is due to Annabelle Ballesta and the team at INRIA and INSERM, including Francis Levi. Also see our paper: Annabelle Ballesta, Pasquale F. Innominato, Robert Dallmann, David A. Rand, Francis A. Lévi. Systems Chronotherapeutics. Pharmacological Reviews (2017), 69:2:161-199; DOI:
Coupling between the mammalian clock and cell cycle
My collaborators and I previously published a paper showing phase-locking bewteen the circadian clock and the cell cycle which is behind the fact that thecells in many tissues divide once a day. I thought that it would be useful to reproduce a video here that shows what 1-1 phase locking looks like in real cells with all their stochasticity and heterogeneity. Paper is C Feillet et al. Phase locking and multiple oscillating attractors for the coupled mammalian clock and cell cycle. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, online edition of June 23, 2014
Figure caption. From live imaging we extract the phase of the clock and cell cycle as a function of time for each cell and then plot this as a point on the torus represented here as a square with opposite sides identified. Most of the cells move along a circle on the torus which corresponds to an attracting periodic orbit but some switch sides. See the paper mentioned above for why this happens.
Body Clock: What makes you tick?
Great animation about the body clock on the BBC website. It's here.
1976 Catastrophe Theory Controversy
Under construction
Are Gene Regulatory Networks Believable?
Under construction